“I was a kid. There was dirt. We met and fell in love. The end”
Haha, I love that line!
Falling in love is a beautiful thing – – even if it is with dirt! Loving and appreciating nature and knowing it so intimately is, in my opinion, the way our Creator intended for us to be one with the gifts He so meticulously designed for us to cherish, care for and ultimately enjoy!
Have a great day in the dirt as we welcome Spring ^_^
I’m going to be dirty today.
As a kid, Mama often met me on the back stoop as I came in from playing outside. With a broom in her hand she’d have me slowly turn in a circle while she brushed dirt from my blue jeans. She wasn’t against sweeping my bare legs either if I happened to be wearing shorts.
“Don’t bring that mess in this house.” She’d say. “Did you plan to get dirty?”
Well no. I hadn’t planned to. I was a kid. There was dirt. We met and fell in love. The end.
I remembered that this morning as I thought about where to plant some things in the yard. I still love dirt. Not potting soil in shiny garden-center bags. I don’t care for the sterile smell of plastic and perlite. I love real dirt. Earth.
One of the finest smells of spring is that first whiff of good clean soil. Sealed in by…
Contents compiled: April 26 2015 | Copyright 2015 Moylom Enterprises